By: David L. Souers

Chapter 12


The gathering of neo-pagans in Danielle’s living room was unprecedented in it’s volume. She was hostess to over a dozen of her Wiccan acquaintances, and this was twice the number that she had ever invited to her home at the same time. The reason was the desperate times that they all faced.

This gathering was but one that was about to take place, simultaneously around the world, in an attempt to garner additional information about the wave.

Her initial warning had been picked up on, and magnified, as it went from one site to the next. Spreading exponentially, it soon was common knowledge in prac-titioner circles, and was taking root in the general populace too. Admittedly, most of the people were inclined to scoff at the prospect of the wave, but enough were taking it seriously enough to elicit the anti-hoarding messages that were now being broadcast quite regularly on the tube. Her last trip to town for some milk, and fresh citrus had provided an astonishing scene. Not one bag of flour or sugar could be found on the shelves, and the canned goods selection was so depleted, she didn’t even get the canned salmon she was going to buy for that night’s dinner. At least the milk wasn’t a problem, and the fresh citrus was also in good supply. People had taken the hint, concentrating their purchases in the non-perishable foods.

“Morning Miss Danielle. Will that be all you need today?”

“Morning George. From the looks of these shelves, I don’t think I’ve got much choice, huh?”

“Sorry about that. I’m trying to get re-supplied, but they are sending most of the stuff to the big cities. The little bit that comes in gets snapped up right away. I just don’t understand it. Some folks must have enough to last them for months, or years, at least. Everyone knows what you said about that wave thing and the bad weather coming, but will it be that bad?”

“How’s your larder George?”

Grinning sheepishly, he replied, “I think I’ve got it covered.”

“ That’s exactly what they’re all doing, I’d say”

As he closed the register, he handed her the change. “Thanks for the warning Miss Danielle.”

“I was simply the one that saw it coming. It was as real as a freight train heading straight for all of us. I’d sure warn you if a train was coming, why not this? Take care of yourself George.”

Dressed in traditional garb, the gathering was nearly ready to begin it’s circle. Besom in hand, Danielle had cleared the area of the circle, that she would soon be cast, of all negative forces. Dozens of candles spread their flickering shadows around the living room. Gary and Bill, Shandra’s husband, had moved the furniture into the spare room that afternoon at the girls request, and were now down at the river doing a little night fishing. They had gone down to one of the landings where the road gave them easy access to the water. With a full bucket of minnows in hand, and a long pole that had a twelve volt lamp attached to it, that they suspended over an area of the river where the current was not quite so strong. The light gave them enough illumination to see, but they had it out over the water for another purpose too. Actually, the whole idea had been developed long before that night, probably by ancient tribesmen, using torches and spears. The lamp attracted flying insects, and many schools of minnows flocked into the area. The fish that ate the minnows weren’t very far behind, and when their hooks that were baited with these same minnows, were dropped into the melee, it didn’t take too long to fill their pails with crappies, which were one of the best tasting fresh water fish that ever swam.

They did catch several large bass, and one prehistoric appearing, alligator gar. These were all unceremoniously thrown back as inedible. They filleted their catch on the spot, throwing the remains into the shallow bay next to the fishing hole. It wasn’t an act of desecration by any means. The numerous turtles would clean up the fish scraps in short order, and they would have done them a good turn.

At exactly nine p.m. the circle was closed. With adjustments for the different time zones around the world, thousands of circles joined them. With so much energy questing for the same answer, at the same moment, for such an immense outpouring of raw power, it was hoped that the results would be so clear that they would perhaps know exactly what, as well as when, to expect their unwelcome visitor from space.

Danielle’s position in the center became the focal point. As she held her mirror in her hands, it began to glow even brighter than it did during the first extraordinary event. One tiny dot, about two thirds of the way out from the center was so bright, that to look directly at it, actually hurt her eyes. Instinctively, she knew that the spot was the representation of her own sun, and as the thought passed through her mind, the bluish green representation of the wave began to form on the swirl of stars. It did not take the sweeping path from the center to the outer edge this time. It simply sat next to the representation of sol. Looking closer, Danielle saw that it was slowly edging towards the star at the speed of a clock’s minute hand. It seemed that she had gazed in wonder for hours at the apparition, but as it faded, she realized that only seconds had passed. Glancing up at the others in the circle, she saw the amazement on their faces.

Later, she would comment, “I don’t think we’ve got as much time left to prepare as we originally thought we had.”

That was the word that now spread to all that would listen. Each of the participants had their own personal list of people that they felt that they must warn. And each of the other gatherings would undoubtedly have their respective list of people to try to save. Perhaps each of the recipients would have a list of their own, and soon the number of informed people would be substantial enough to be noticed in many high places.

Danielle put in a call to her folks to tell them to leave the following day. No matter what!